Dear Friends, My wife and I recently graduated our youngest child from High School and it was a great milestone for our family! Raising kids sure did fly by in a blink of an eye! Over that time I’ve made good and plenty of bad choices. In retrospect, I believe that...
Dear Friends, Whew, 2022 is behind us! Looking back upon last year it seems that everyone suffered financially to some degree. Bonds and stocks were both down about -18%. An aggressive small cap tech portfolio got taken to the woodshed with losses over -40%. Utilities...
Dear Friends, this may not be the bottom, but this is what it feels like, It has been a dismal year for market investors. Year to date both stocks AND bonds are down about 24% (as of this writing)! The only safety that feels good is cash and that just lost 9% to...
Dear Friends, We just experienced a market selloff that was triggered by too much money in the system and runaway prices on most everything. The stock market bubble popped so hard that US Companies have seen ~$10 Trillion of value taken off their stock prices in just...
Dear Friends, Many pundits are claiming that investors are in for tough sledding in the future. After many years of watching the prices of most everything go up, they may now be reaching their limits. In fact, corporate bonds have already incurred a gut punching ~12%...